Guardian Rights and Controls
Too often the User Experience (e.g.) of a parent is having to create an account as each of their children, and possibly share logins and passwords with spouses or other family members. Tranquil Data makes the Guardian role first-class, letting someone create an account only for the purpose of consenting on behalf of others, accessing and updating data, and controlling specific flows.
Consent On Behalf of Others
Tranquil Data allows you to define or more Guardians for a given user. Depending on the goal of a platform, a Guardian may simply be there to have access to data, or they may be required to consent to terms, consents, and/or opt-ins before a user may proceed. Examples of the latter are social media platforms that change the experience for anyone under a specific age or heath systems when someone is acting for an incapacitated patient. Controls may be placed on how long Guardians have rights to play this role, and a Guardian may themselves be a user of the platform (e.g., a parent managing their family’s health plan).
Rights to Data
Active Guardians are given specific rights to data. This includes categories of data, and actions that can be taken on that data. For instance, in a Clinical Trial portal, a Guardian may have access to see what lab results are being reported about a child, and they may also have permission to correct a mailing address or phone number. The child in this case may or may not have access to these details, but they do see in their personalized privacy report that the Guardian has these rights. Once the Guardian’s rights time-out the relationship will be maintained in-context, but the Guardian will no longer be able to assert these rights on data.
Controls for Third-Party Sharing
Guardians may (optionally) be given the right to disable specific Third-Party data flows. Some sharing flows are core to a platform, like data flowing to a billing or cloud Service Provider, so these would typically have to stay on. Others, like using a third-party Login, Analytics, or AI service may be optional. As part of a platform’s policy, Tranquil Data makes it simple to give Guardians the option to turn off these flows so that (e.g.) a Parent could decide not share platform data with a specific social media or advertising service.