The Tranquil Data™️ Trusted Flow Edition


The Tranquil Data™️ Trusted Flow Edition builds on the core product, defining a set of policies and building blocks that streamline common flows. The open-ended APIs and data models of the enterprise engine are wrapped by targeted interfaces that make it easy to get up and running in a matter of hours. It shifts ownership of policy to legal and privacy teams, and frees up technology teams from having to implement any specific rules or regulations.


An automatically rendered view of one Platform Sharing Purpose and a specific Third-Party that can receive data under this purpose.

Focused on Common Touch-Points

This product edition focuses on three key touch-points: where data comes from, how data is used internally, and how data is shared externally. This starts with a common framework that lets users categorize data. Platform Use is defined in the context of those categories, and Platform Sharing uses those categories to define permissible flows to Service Providers, customers, B2B partners, and consented third-parties.

Our users define valid purposes for use and sharing, and as those purposes evolve the history is captured in the Context Graph. First-party data is created or onboarded only after a personalized view of purposes is accepted, and re-consent is automatically acquired when terms change. Third-party data is onboarded under the rights and obligations of B2B contracts. Guardians are given controls and access for children, and common overrides like age or location are applied across this framework.

Policy Owners Finally Own Policy Implementation

In most environments, legal teams spend countless hours with data and engineering teams trying to explain policy, and later trying to understand if policies have been met. With Tranquil Data, those same legal and privacy teams get a User Interface where they set the policies directly. This UI is simple, with no “policy editors” that make lawyers think about boolean logic. It’s built to match the way Privacy Policies, Contracts, and Consents are written, building on the framework above to assure that the right rules are always in-place.

As a result, it also acts as a dashboard for coordination and alignment across an organization. Everyone from marketing to sales to engineering to data science now has a place to see what the rules are, which external parties are involved in which data flows, and start to ask questions about how the platform can evolve. As adoption and used of the software increases, APIs are available to automate the creation and evolution of policies, e.g., making it simple to automatically create new B2B terms when contracts are signed, or define new consents when new partner relationships are formed.

Configuring valid Platform Use Purposes in the UI, broken down by core use, uses that require first-parties to opt-in, and overrides that disallow specific purposes for children.

Real-time visualization of external data sharing, with explanation of the purpose asserted, who’s data was shared, the external recipient, and the categories of data that were included.

Enforcement and Audit Flows Optimize Operation

The User Interface is not just documenting requirements or creating a common point for collaboration. Internally, the software is using a rich hierarchy of policies and data definitions to map those requirements to enforceable rules, and ensure that (e.g.) contract obligations or policy overrides are being applied correctly when considering each operation. Building on the core engine, these rules drive real-time filtering or redaction for database queries. The software also exposes APIs to ask about individual records or to redact entire business documents.

Now, instead of constantly checking-in with legal to understand what’s permissible, engineers have a database query interface that always returns compliant data, Data and ML Ops teams have one simple API to ensure all transform flows are governed correctly, and marketing and advertising teams have a drag-and-drop interface to narrow a CSV to the permissible data for any given campaign. Because all of these touch-points flow through the same policy logic in the same core engine, a unified audit-trail forms that captures all of the purposes asserted across an organization. This rolls-up to a BI view that can be taken to board meetings, sales calls, or strategy sessions as evidence that data is being used correctly.