Backend Contracts are Hard.

As organizations grow, the number and complexity of B2B contracts accelerates. Instead of constant inventory and discovery, let Tranquil Data automate enforcement and transparency.

Make it Easier to Say “Yes” to Deals

From the first contract you sign, there’s always the question about whether you could survive an audit. Put another way, can you actually do what you’re signing up for? Some companies walk away from contracts that they can’t uphold, others sign and hope no one pays attention to the terms, but most companies get caught between Revenue, Legal, and Technical teams trying to sort out what it will take to meet the terms, and whether the cost and risk outweighs the value. Tranquil Data makes it simple to onboard new contracts and capture the key terms around reporting, user access, and allowed (or disallowed) use of data without changing platform infrastructure or applications.

Get Back Time and Stress Spent on Discovery

With contract terms defined in Tranquil Data, you have a proactive point of enforcement across your organization. If you’ve already got hundreds or thousands of contracts signed, relax, you probably know the top-10 that keep you up at night. Bring those into Tranquil Data, and use this to stabilize key points of risk and automate away what today may be weeks or months of manual inventory and discovery. As you get your feet under you, use Tranquil Data’s APIs to start automating how each new contract is brought onboard, and enforcing that the terms of that contract are respected across your organization.


A rendering of the audit trail in Tableau, showing the real-time status of how data has actually been used and shared across the platform.

Shift Privacy to Transparency

Most platforms have a static set of terms defining data use. Tranquil Data does better with its personalized privacy capabilities, but these are still “just a promise” of what a platform is supposed to do. To provide true transparency to all stakeholders, the output streams from Tranquil Data explain what has actually happened, which can easily be compared to what was promised. As seen above, this forms a BI view that makes it simple to see exactly how and why data was used, and break down the different reasons that multiple sets of data flowed to a single third-party. Often that “why” is the most important question to answer, because it connects to purpose in B2B contracts & monetization.

Pivot to Explain Use to Different Stakeholders

The table above shows all use and sharing for a hypothetical platform. With Tranquil Data, however, the knowledge is available to render this same view for specific data-sets. When a user logs in, you can render this view for only the data applied to that user. For a B2B partner or customer, you can provide a view for only the data received under the relationship or about individuals under a contract (like employees, patients, tenants, etc.). If an auditor comes knocking, you can display the same view only for data about users who reside in a given location (etc). Tranquil Data makes it simple to connect this knowledge to your favorite data tool so you can accelerate the process you have today.